Whether you're teaching kids and youth in Sunday School, leading art at VBS, cooking dinner for Sunday night programming, running games at HarvestFest, attending a youth retreat, or coordinating our Christmas Eve Pageant...Kingswood Kids and Youth need YOU!!

The most valuable resource we have to help kids and youth see God, is to be the people in the church who show Him.
We're supposed to do what Jesus up in the lives of others so they can see God.
Volunteers invested in the lives of kids and youth, is one of the most important things we can be.

Leaders who connect with kids and youth in a SMALL group over time, have the potential to make a BIG impact on their faith.

What VOLUNTEERS are needed in Children's and Youth Ministry?


God calls us to make our churches safe places, protecting children and other vulnerable persons. God calls us to create communities of faith where children and adults grow safe and strong.
Safe Sanctuaries is the movement and initiative to fulfill this call upon us.

Every volunteer must be Safe Sanctuaries trained in order to work with children, youth, and vulnerable adults.  Our Safe Sanctuaries policy at Kingswood requires each volunteer to...
~complete the Children, Youth, Vulnerable Adults Worker Application
~Safe Gatherings Training
~review Kingswood's Safe Sanctuaries Plan