View Christmas Eve bulletins here:
Join us for our annual Blue Christmas Service at 7:30 pm Tuesday, December 5 at the Buffalo Grove campus. The quiet, reflective service is focused on those who have lost loved ones, who find the holidays less than cheerful due to grief and struggle, or who need a quiet place to slow the pace. The Grief Group will meet before the service at 6:30 pm in Room 135.
The annual Choral Advent Service presents two works that reflect our Advent theme "Prepare the Way of the Lord." The combined choirs from the Kingswood Buffalo Grove and Deerfield campuses will sing Vivaldi's Dixit Dominus and Shubert's Magnificat. Accompanied by the Metropolis Chamber Orchestra, these two choral works present the promise of the coming Messiah, and the Virgin Mary's response to the news she would give birth to the Messiah. This program will be presented on Sunday, December 17 at 9:00 and 10:30 am in Buffalo Grove, and on Sunday, December 24 at 10:00am in Deerfield.
The 10:00 am Buffalo Grove Christmas Eve service will feature our Youth Praise Band and other special musical guests that will lead us in a contemporary Christmas Eve worship experience. We will sing carols and light candles.
The 10:00 am Deerfield Christmas Eve service will feature the Advent Choral program of combined choirs from both campuses. This service will be offered at Buffalo Grove campus on December 17.
Our 4:30 pm Buffalo Grove Children and Families Service is a shorter and focused on children and families. We will have a children’s Christmas pageant, simple carols, our children’s music groups, and candle-lighting. Each child will receive a special gift.
Our 5:30 pm Traditional Service in Deerfield will include traditional carols, brass, candles and communion.
Our 10:30 pm Traditional Service in Buffalo Grove, in-person and live streamed, will include a brass ensemble, special Christmas music, choirs, carols, communion, and candle lighting.
The 10:00 am Deerfield Christmas Eve service will feature the Advent Choral program of combined choirs from both campuses. This service will be offered at Buffalo Grove campus on December 17.
Our 4:30 pm Buffalo Grove Children and Families Service is a shorter and focused on children and families. We will have a children’s Christmas pageant, simple carols, our children’s music groups, and candle-lighting. Each child will receive a special gift.
Our 5:30 pm Traditional Service in Deerfield will include traditional carols, brass, candles and communion.
Our 10:30 pm Traditional Service in Buffalo Grove, in-person and live streamed, will include a brass ensemble, special Christmas music, choirs, carols, communion, and candle lighting.
Our 10:00 am New Year's Eve Services, Sunday, December 31, at both Buffalo Grove and Deerfield will be simple services of carol singing and worship. We will bless toys for our children and offer a prayer of new covenant as we start the new year. Special cookies and treats will be offered after the services.