About Kingswood's Library
The current location of our library happened during the major church renovation project during the early 1990’s. We currently have nearly 3,000 items to share with the congregation, mostly books, but also a healthy number of DVDs. Our collection is supported by a very generous Kingswood Endowment Committee, library memorials, and numerous book donations from our congregants. We are open on Sunday mornings between services for browsing/check out, and we are excited to announce that the Kingswood library is going ONLINE. We can be reached via email (library@kingswoodumc.com) with pick up in the Fireside Room. Yes, we are a church library. Yes, we have some “churchy” books, but also a huge collection of books dealing with issues like immigration, discrimination, poverty, civil rights, environmental concerns and more. Our novels should entertain you and make you think. Hopefully you will become one of our regular customers. Check us out!
Introduction to the Library Catalog
Kingswood's Library team has been implementing a new, online library system. As a result, the library catalog of nearly 3,000 items is now available for browsing from your home computer. We have a few more months of work to do, therefore check-out will remain the same, by signing a card, but we want you to take a look at our collection now.
- Check Out
- Searching the Catalog
- New Books to our Collection and Specialized Lists