Grades 6-12 

Our youth ministry is multi-dimensional, supporting youth, 6th–12th grade from both the Buffalo Grove and Deerfield campuses, as they grow in mind, body, and spirit. We are committed to being inclusive and welcoming all youth. Our program provides a variety of ways for youth to stay connected so that they can grow in their love for God,  live their faith in service, and build sacred community with other youth and adults.
Jump to the section you would like to learn more about by selecting one of the following buttons.
All youth entering 6th-12th grade for the 2024-2025 school year are invited to join us this summer for Summer Sunday School from 9:00-10:00 am at the Buffalo Grove campus!
For youth attending our Deerfield campus, connect with Rev. Clayton to find out ways to get involved during the 10:00 am service (A/V, reading, greeting, serving, and more).

Sunday School for Students Grades 6-12

For this summer, the youth Sunday School lessons will all align with the Scripture and themes used in worship each week.
Select each of the tabs to check out our tentative schedule of events and topics!
(Topics and events are subject to change as needed.)
July 2024
  • July 28: Sunday School lesson focus: Resisting societal pressure to conform and instead to embrace our true selves
August 2024
  • August 4: Breakfast cook-off and Food Pantry service...we will be splitting this morning to work on sorting and preparing bags for our Food Pantry or cooking breakfast for the whole group to enjoy together
  • August 11: Sunday School lesson focus: Standing against racism and anti-Semitism; fighting injustice and oppression
  • August 18: No Sunday School, it is Backpack Blessing Sunday! Join us in the service to wrap up a wonderful summer and kick off a new school year!
  • August 25: Sunday School lesson focus: Justifying Grace

Save the Date - Upcoming Events

Summer Ice Cream Tour

Here's the scoop! Families are invited to come hang out and get to know each other better this summer on our ice cream tour.  I scream, you scream, we all scream for our new summer series!
Remaining Dates: July 25 and August 8
Time: We will be there from 7:00-8:00 pm, but join us at any time!

Back to School Event

Join us in the back parking lot of our BG campus on Sunday, August 18 from 5pm-7pm for a tailgating party to see what's happening next school year for our kids and youth.  FREE food, games,  and bounce house.  Check out our Kid & Youth Giving Fair that day and purchase handmade items made by our very own Kingswood kids and youth; a portion of their profits will go to a charity of their choice. Bring your family, bring a friend, bring your neighbor. This event is open to the whole community! Learn more at the Tailgate and Giving Fair Overview Page!

Ongoing & Upcoming Service Opportunities

We need as many youth as we can to come help move the new chairs into the Deerfield campus!
When: Friday, August 4 from 8:00am-11:00am (or sooner if we have more help)
AND for anyone who is available and wants to join, we will walk over to Egg Harbor whenever we are done! Please note that lunch is not provided, so you will need to pay for your own meal, but the company is free! 
Text or email Kate if you are able to make it! Friends are welcome!

Community Vegetable Garden

Sign up today to help support our community vegetable garden that two of our youth have started to provide fresh food to our Food Pantry guests! We need help weeding and watering the gardens this summer!
Check out the flyer and the Sign Up Genius for an easy and impactful way to support this incredible initiative!

Kid & Youth Giving Fair

Do you love to sew, paint, bake, build? Do you have a charity or organization that you're passionate about helping? We are SO excited about this opportunity that several of our kids and youth have been planning for a while now.  Our kids and youth are creative, and they want to help others.  This event will combine those two passions of today's generation. Sign up  to participate on August 18.


Save the Date! More information to follow soon!


Kingswood welcomes guests every Tuesday night from October through April. Youth under the age of 18 can support this important ministry every Tuesday from 6:00-7:00 pm or Wednesday from 6:00-7:00 am. Youth may not interact with the guests, but can help in many ways during set up!
Email Kate for more information and to sign up  for the 2024-2025 year.

Gratitude Generation

Housed in our Deerfield site campus at 815 Rosemary Terrace in Deerfield, IL,  they do a tremendous amount of compassionate work in our community, for others, and teaches the next generation of children and families how to serve.  We've been thrilled to partner with them at events we've held, and we support their mission to  support neighbors in need while building a new generation of service-minded leaders.  Check out the many opportunities they have for kids and teens. 

Pop Tab Collection

Join Kilmer School in District 21 and the Village of Wheeling to help families of children receiving treatment/services within the Lurie Children's Hospital. We are collecting all types of tabs in Sunday School to support the Ronald McDonald House Charities!
Please reach out to Kate if you are in need of service hours, have a heart to serve others, or have ideas of other service-focused projects we can participate in!

Summer 2024 Youth Mission Trip

Congratulations to this year's mission trip participants! It was a wonderful week of service, fellowship, and friendships! More updates to come soon!
Thank you to all who prayed and supported our trip!
Trip Payment: For those who are have not finished paying off their trip, you can pay on the Kingswood website at "Give" or on the app at "Give Online". Please use the "Youth Mission trip" dropdown choice and write the participant's name in the Notes section. If you pay via check/cash, please also note who is attending and which payment you are turning in.

Other Ways to Connect!


Confirmation is for students 8th grade or above from both the Buffalo Grove and Deerfield campus.  
Contact Kate Lapetino for more information.
Congratulations to this year's confirmation class! It was wonderful celebrating your commitment to Christ.

Our 2024-2025 Confirmation Kick-off Information Meeting will be on August 25 from 5:00-6:00 pm.

Youth Praise Band

Our Buffalo Grove campus Youth Praise Band (4th-12th grade)has wrapped up the 2023-2024 school year of performances. BUT, we are looking for special summer music performances! Reach out if you have a musical talent that you would like to share this summer!
Our 2024-2025 Youth Praise Band will start again on
August 11 from 4:00-5:00 pm.

Questions: Contact Felicia Patton, Director of Music Ministries
One-on-one piano lessons: Contact our Organist, Dr. Michael Fritsch
One-on-one voice, guitar, or other lessons: Contact Felicia Patton

Worship Through Music

Worship always gets elevated with music. Whether we can sing in tune or not, we can all benefit immensely from singing to God with enthusiasm.
Connect through music by listening to our Spotify playlists!
Are there songs missing?
Share your suggestions with Kate to add to our lists!

Mental Health is More than a Month!

More than ever, mental health is so important in ALL of our lives.  We face each day with more input and information than ever before and it can feel overwhelming without even realizing that it's overwhelming.  You don't really know any other way, so this constant bombardment of distractions and information is "normal".  We must all find time to take a break, unplug, and seek peace.

Prayer and time with God can be a HUGE gift to our mental health, but it doesn't stop there.  God is an amazing provider and gives us many supports and resources to better our mental health.  Check out the following resources for information, support, and ways to get involved.

Looking for some parent
tips, tricks, and resources? 
Check out our new Parents page!

Ready to share your time volunteering or check your current volunteer schedule?
Check out our Volunteer page!

Kate Lapetino

We are committed to being inclusive and welcoming towards all youth.

Kate Lapetino, Coordinator of Youth and Serving Ministries