
In the United Methodist Church, Confirmation marks a significant milestone in the spiritual journey of youth. Through this process, young people deepen their understanding of their Christian faith, make a public declaration of their commitment to Jesus Christ, and prepare themselves for active participation in the life of the church. Confirmation also fosters spiritual growth, encourages service and mission, and provides opportunities for community building and ongoing discipleship. Ultimately, the purpose of Confirmation is to help youth establish a personal relationship with God, recognize their spiritual milestones, and continue to grow in their faith throughout their lives.

Kingswood Confirmation Class Overview

Who: Any students entering 8th grade through high school
Program: Confirmation is a one year program starting in September 15,  2024 and ending May 18, 2025
When: Select Sunday evenings from 5:00-6:30 pm (see the list of dates under Confirmation Responsibilities for more information)
Where: Mainly based out of the Buffalo Grove campus, meeting at the Deerfield campus occasionally
Why: To learn and grow in your faith journey and deepen your understanding of the United Methodist Church as you prepare to independently confirm your commitment to Christ
Confirmation Sunday: Sunday, May 18, 2025

Kingswood Confirmation Commitment

We understand that life can be busy, and we're committed to working with families to ensure that all youth who are eager to prioritize this experience can fully engage in the program. We are committed to working with you and your student to navigate their busy schedules and competing priorities. Our goal is to support your student's spiritual growth and development, while also acknowledging the realities of their daily lives.

Before starting the Confirmation journey, it's important to understand the commitment required. This journey is a covenant—a sacred promise—between you, your family, and the church, to deepen your relationship with Jesus, and grow in faith.

This covenant includes:
  •  Building meaningful connections with others.
  •   Strengthening your bond with the church community.
  •   Engaging in spiritual growth.
  •   Developing leadership skills.
  •   Participating in service projects.
These experiences will prepare you for Confirmation and a lifelong journey of faith.

If you're interested in learning more, please review the Confirmation 2024-2025 Tentative Dates document by clicking the following red button.
Responsibilities Overview

Confirmation Class: Attend at least 12 of the 16 class sessions and submit make-up work for any missed class
Mentor Meet-Ups: Attend at least 4 of the 8 sessions offered or meet with your mentor at least 4 times on your own
Serving/Volunteer Opportunities: Serve at a minimum of 3 of the 13+ offered experiences or complete at least 3 unique volunteer events on your own
Interfaith Worship Opportunities: Attend at least 3 of the offered experiences with 1 of those at a synagogue or attend at least 3 interfaith worship services on your own
Youth Group/Sunday Night Live/Fellowship Opportunities: Attend at least 2 of the 18+ offered experiences
Youth Praise Band: Not required, but 3 performances would equal 1 volunteer experience
Worship Service Participation: Attend at least 4 worship services at Kingswood UMC and serve as liturgist, Scripture reader, prayers/offering, and also usher or greeter at least once throughout the year
Important Dates: Attend all of the important dates and meetings (Confirmation Kick-off, Ash Wednesday, either Maunday Thursday or Good Friday, either Easter Eve or Easter Sunday, Confirmation Final Retreat, Confirmation Intention meetings, Confirmation Dinner, and Confirmation Sunday)

*All experiences completed during the summer before the program officially begins will also count towards your completion requirements! Consider ways you can get involved now!

Confirmation Class Lessons 2024-2025

Check out the lessons, family discussion questions, and missed class tasks for each lesson throughout the program. Select each tab to learn more.
Confirmation Information Meeting 8/25/24
To review what was discussed at our Confirmation Information Meeting on August 25, please check out the following PDF. If you have any questions, please reach out to Kate!

Confirmation Information Meeting PDF
Lessons 1-2: Traveling Together 9/15/24
This lesson focused on the first steps of taking a journey together as we begin this new phase of the confirmation process. With some of the class in year two and others just beginning, what do we expect, hope, and feel about confirmation and what it means. We learned more about Samuel and Moses and their feelings at the start of their journeys and how they mirror our own.

Take a look at the slides and content for this lesson: Lessons 1-2: Traveling Together PDF
Family: Follow-Up Dinnertime Discussion Questions
1. What does Confirmation mean?
2. Confirmand: Why are you on this Confirmation journey and what do you hope to get out of this year
3. Parents/older siblings: If you have been confirmed, share about your journey to Confirmation.
4. How do you feel as we start this new year of Confirmation classes?
5. Depending on the Bible story you focused on, how did Samuel and/or Moses feel about their journey?
Extra, just for fun: Play a few rounds of SOUP, SALAD, or SANDWICH...your confirmand knows what this means!

Students: Missed Class Tasks  
1. Read 1 Samuel 3:1-19 and write down 3 things that Samuel felt on his journey.
2. Read Exodus 3:1-14 and Exodus 4:1-5 and 10-16 and write down 3 things that Moses felt on his journey.
3. Think about Samuel and Moses's feelings as they relate to you and starting this journey of Confirmation.
4. Complete the Getting to Know You form and turn it in to Kate by November 1.
Lessons 3-4: Loving and Belonging Together 9/22/24
During these lessons, we discussed the qualities of how Christians look, act, sound, and post based on how Jesus taught us to live. We explored Jesus's new commandment, to love others, and how this guides all that we do. We also reviewed numerous Scripture passages that explained how we belong to God and how we are His children in a committed relationship.

Take a look at the slides and content for this lesson: Lessons 3-4: Loving and Belonging Together PDF
Family: Follow-Up Dinnertime Discussion Questions
1. What does a Christian look, sound, act, and post like? Why?
2. What does it mean to belong to God?
3. What does it mean to be a child of God?

Students: Missed Class Tasks  
1. Pick one of the following passages to read and answer the three follow up questions about...
  • Romans 8: 14-17
  • Isaiah 43: 1-4
  • Isaiah 43: 10-13
  • Jeremiah 29: 11-14
  • John 15: 1-8
  • 1 John 5: 1-5
2. Email Kate your responses to these three questions based on the one passage you selected...
  • What does this Scripture tell us about belonging to God?
  • What does this Scripture tell us about God's feelings towards us as children of God?
  • What does this Scripture tell us about committing to a relationship with God?
3. Complete the Where Are You Now survey and turn it in to Kate by November 1. 
Lessons 5-7: Jesus's Faith, Early Faith, Reformation 9/29/24
During these lessons, we explored the significance of Jesus' Jewish faith and how it relates to early Christianity, discussed how the beliefs and practices of early Christians influence our faith today, and identified key figures and events of the Reformation that shaped modern Christianity.

Take a look at the slides and content for this lesson: Lessons 5-7: Jesus's Faith, Early Faith, Reformation PDF
Family: Follow-Up Dinnertime Discussion Questions
1. What do you think the people from Jesus's time would think about how we worship today? (the place and the way)
2. Read Deuteronomy 6:4-9. How does this prayer connect to the history of Israel?
3. What was the Protestant Reformation? (key figures, moments, or purpose)

Students: Missed Class Tasks  
1. Read the following passages in the order they are listed and email Kate with a brief summary of how these all fit together. (Slide 9 in the linked PDF can help you with this task.)
  • Nehemiah 9:1-13
  • Nehemiah 9:14-15
  • Micah 6:1-8
  • Nehemiah 9:26-38
  • Isaiah 9:1-7
2. Who was Martin Luther and what part did he play in the Reformation? Email Kate a quick synopsis.
Lessons 8-9: Wesley and the Methodists, The Growth of Methodism 10/13/24
The goals of this session were to explore John Wesley’s personal history and how it influenced him to start the Methodist movement and discover more about the history of the Methodist church in the United States.

Take a look at the slides and content for this lesson: Lessons 8-9: Wesley and the Methodists, The Growth of Methodism PDF
Family: Follow-Up Dinnertime Discussion Questions
1. What do you know about The Christmas Conference, The Aldersgate Experience, the Holy Club, Circuit Riders, and Kingswood School? (Use the PDF provided for support)
2. What were some of the highs and lows in the history of Methodism? (Use the PDF provided for support)
3. Why is it important to learn about John Wesley and the history of Methodism?

Students: Missed Class Tasks  
1. Read through the PDF of the lessons and share the following in an email to Kate by November 17.
  • 3 interesting facts about the history of Methodism
  • 2 questions you still have or now have about the growth of Methodism
  • 1 sentence summary about what you learned
Lessons 10-11: History of Kingswood, The Connection 10/20/24
Lessons 10 and 11 focused on the history of Kingswood, reviewing the key facts from the past few sessions, and exploring the shape and function of the structure of the United Methodist Church and how Kingswood fits into the puzzle.

Take a look at the slides and content for this lesson: Lessons 10-11: The History of Kingswood and Connection
Family: Follow-Up Dinnertime Discussion Questions
1. Share memories about the church that each of you grew up in.
2. Discuss when you started attending Kingswood Church and what you remember about your first impressions and what your favorite parts about Kingswood are and why.
3. Review the PDF together. What was something new that you learned about Kingswood Church? What is something that you still want to know about Kingswood Church?

Students: Missed Class Tasks  
1. Watch an overview about the Book of Nehemiah and email Kate how the story of Nehemiah and putting a puzzle together without seeing the box go together.
2. Include in the email how Nehemiah, the puzzle, and the structure of the church go together.
3. Review the lesson PDF and talk through the Family Follow-Up Dinnertime Discussion Questions with someone at home.
Lessons 12-13: Simple Worship, Music and Lyrics 11/3/24
Lesson 12 focused on the components of worship and had confirmands determining which elements of worship were the most important and why. We discussed creative ways to approach worship and realized that the most important aspect of worship is Jesus. No matter where you worship, when you worship, or how you worship, Jesus is the number one necessity for worship.

Lesson 13 focused on the music in worship and why God rejoices when we worship Him in song. We explored the meaning of some more recognizable hymns and even rewrote and listened to our own versions of Charles Wesley's "O for a Thousand Voices to Sing" hymn.
**Many youth asked about the AI music generator that we used. This is a free program when you log in. When you select "create" you can write your own lyrics and hear them in any style you choose! Check it out at

Take a look at the slides and content for this lesson: Lessons 12-13: Simple Worship, Music and Lyrics
Family: Follow-Up Dinnertime Discussion Questions
1. Which components of worship did you rank highest/most important? Why?
2. Which components of worship did you rank the lowest/least important? Why?
3. If you were in charge of worship, what would you change, keep, and/or edit? Why?
4. What is your favorite song in church?
5. What suggestions do you have to elevate our current music in worship? Share these ideas with Kate to bring to our worship team!

Students: Missed Class Tasks  
1. Review the lesson PDF and talk through the Family Follow-Up Dinnertime Discussion Questions with someone at home.
Lessons 14-15: Grace and Sacraments 11/17/24
Lessons 14 and 15 focused on reviewing the three types of grace (prevenient, justifying, and sanctifying) as well as the two United Methodist sacraments (Baptism and Holy Communion). We spent some time in the Sanctuary going through the basics of the sacraments.

Take a look at the slides and content for this lesson: Lessons 14-15: Grace and Sacraments
Family: Follow-Up Dinnertime Discussion Questions
1. What are the three types of grace and what do you know about each of the three?
2. Why do you think Jesus, who was sinless, chose to be baptized? What does this teach us about obedience and the importance of following God's plan?
3. Baptism is a symbol of a new beginning. How does your faith feel like a fresh start, and what does baptism mean to you personally?
4. What does the phrase "do this in remembrance of me" mean to you? How can we make Communion more meaningful in our own lives beyond just a tradition?
5. Jesus says the cup is the "new covenant in my blood." What do you think the "new covenant" means, and how does it change the way we view our relationship with God?

Students: Missed Class Tasks  
1. Review the lesson PDF and talk through the Family Follow-Up Dinnertime Discussion Questions with someone at home.
Lessons 16-17: A Loving Church and So Now What 12/1/24
Lessons 16 and 17 focused on understanding how the Social Principles reflect the collective beliefs of the United Methodist Church and to relate the process of forming these principles to our lives. This class explored the importance of working together for common values.

Take a look at the slides and content for this lesson: Lessons 16-17: A Loving Church and So Now What
Family: Follow-Up Dinnertime Discussion Questions
1. Review this list of 10 core values: kindness, justice, fairness, respect for others, helping those in need, caring for the environment, honesty, teamwork, forgiveness, courage to do what's right.
  • Which core value do you think is "most important"? Why?
  • Which value do you think most closely aligns with you/connects with you the most? Why?
  • Which value is the hardest for you? Why?
2. Review the 6 Social Principles in the UMC (slide 8): the natural world, economic community, nurturing community, political community, social community, and the world community.
  • Which of these Social Principles do you think is the most important? Why?

Students: Missed Class Tasks  
1. Explore the Global Ministries of the UMC and email Kate one missionary or organization that supports global missions through the United Methodist Church.
2. Review the lesson PDF and talk through the Family Follow-Up Dinnertime Discussion Questions with someone at home.
Lessons 18-19: Trust and the Wesleyan Quadrilateral 12/15/24
Lessons 18 and 19 explore how faith, trust and belief as well as how the Wesleyan Quadrilateral can help guide us in our daily journeys.

Take a look at the slides and content for this lesson: Lessons 18-19: Trust and the Wesleyan Quadrilateral
Family: Follow-Up Dinnertime Discussion Questions
1. Share what you learned about Moses and Joshua. How does this relate to our conversation about faith, trust, and belief?
2. What is the "Social Creed" and why was it written?
3. What is the Wesleyan Quadrilateral? How does this tool help support us on our daily faith journey (in real life situations)?

Students: Missed Class Tasks  
1. Explore the game The Evolution of Trust and play some rounds. Think about how this game fits into our faith?
2. Review the lesson PDF and talk through the Family Follow-Up Dinnertime Discussion Questions with someone at home.
Lessons 20-21: The Bible and Scripture 1/19/25
Lessons 20 and 21 focus on the Bible, where it came from, how it is more than a history book, and how we can read it and apply it to our lives today. We explored how to interpret Scripture and how our different perspectives and life experiences can change the meaning of the Word for us.

Take a look at the slides and content for this lesson: Lessons 20-21: The Bible and Scripture
Family: Follow-Up Dinnertime Discussion Questions
1. Where did the Bible come from?
2. What is the Torah?
3. What is the New Testament?
4. What is canon?
5. What translation of the Bible does Kingswood use?
6. How do you think God helps us understand Scripture?
7. What does Scripture have to do with you?

Students: Missed Class Tasks  
1. Read Matthew 6:7-15 and email Kate the words or phrases that stand out to you and connect to you in some way (see slide 14 for more guidance).
2. Review the lesson PDF and talk through the Family Follow-Up Dinnertime Discussion Questions with someone at home.
Lessons 22-23: Trinity and Who God Is 1/26/25
Lessons 22 and 23 focus on the Holy Trinity—The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit—as distinct yet unified in essence. These lessons explore the story of Job, discuss who God is (and who God isn’t), address common misconceptions and limitations, and reflect on how God is both abstract and relational in our faith journey.

Take a look at the slides and content for this lesson: Lessons 22-23: Trinity and Who God Is
Family: Follow-Up Dinnertime Discussion Questions
1. How would you define yourself? (Not what you do, but who you are as a person)
2. How would you define God? (Not what God does, but how you would describe who God is.)
3. What is the Holy Trinity and how would you explain the relationship of each component?
4. What are some common misconceptions of who God is?
5. How does the story of Job help us to better understand who God is and who God isn't?

Students: Missed Class Tasks  
1. Watch one of the Trinity videos shared in the PDF.
2. Read the story of Job in the Bible.
3. Review the lesson PDF and talk through the Family Follow-Up Dinnertime Discussion Questions with someone at home.
Lessons 24-25: Prayer 2/2/25
Lessons 24 and 25 focus on prayer and how talking and listening to God is an essential part of our faith and relationship with God.

Take a look at the slides and content for this lesson:  Lessons 24-25: Prayer
Family: Follow-Up Dinnertime Discussion Questions
1. How would you describe your prayer life? (When do you pray, why do you pray, how do you pray...)
2. What are some guides you can use to help you pray? (Check the PDF for some reminders)
3. What are three ways to help you focus when praying? (Watch the video as a reminder)

Students: Missed Class Tasks  
1. Complete the Prayer Survey to think about how prayer plays a role in your faith journey.
2. Watch 3 Ways to Focus When You Pray.
3. Review the lesson PDF and talk through the Family Follow-Up Dinnertime Discussion Questions with someone at home.

Confirmation is both a big commitment and a daily commitment!
We are here to help you get ready for this incredible affirmation of your faith!

Kate Lapetino, Coordinator of Youth and Serving Ministries