Sponsor Mother's Day Flowers in Honor, Celebration or Memory of Loved Ones

Mother's Day is Sunday, May 12. Consider sponsoring a flower for either campus to honor or remember family, loved ones, and friends. The geraniums will be displayed on the altar at Buffalo Grove and Deerfield for Mother’s Day and then planted at each campus for all to enjoy throughout the summer.  A donation of $25 is requested by Monday, May 6.

Payment Options: PAYING BY CHECK: Please make check payable to Kingswood United Methodist Church and write "Mother's Day Flowers" on the memo line. You can mail the check to Kingswood at 401 W. Dundee Rd, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 or drop off at church office. PAYING ONLINE: You can pay online at under the GIVE tab. Please be sure to specify Mother's Day Flowers.