Stewardship is an integral part of our culture at Kingswood throughout the year. Every October, we emphasize the importance of being good stewards by giving our time, talents and treasures to fulfill our mission of loving God, serving others, and building sacred community. This year our Stewardship theme is Change The World.  Join us as we grow in our discipleship and journey through the stages of giving.  We’ll have several important questions to consider along the way.
  • Who me?  Can I make a difference?
  • What is my fair share?
  • How much should I give?
  • How can I say, “thank you, for all I’ve received” and leave a legacy?

Be a part of our good works to Change The World by making a faithful pledge.  If we all do our part, we can support our budget and accomplish great things together. We are dreaming big and aiming to support a new Mission or Ministry for 2025 that will make a positive impact in our community and our world.  On Commitment Sunday, October 27, we will join together to Change The World by giving ourselves, our prayers, our lives, and our financial pledges to support the mission to which we are called as Kingswood Church.